React API Hooks

React hooks to interact with an API from a stateless component using axios.

npm i react-api-hooks -s

Filter Example

An example showing how the useParams and useAPI hooks can be used together to filter results from an API.

The useParams hook keeps a params object in it's state, that can be used when making calls to the API.

Use the updateParams method to immediately update the params object, and trigger a refresh.

Use the debouncedUpdateParams method to delay the params update until wait ms have passed between function calls. (Using the lodash debounce function).

The isStale property indicates whether the is a debounced params update pending.


const FilterExample = () => {
  const { params, updateParams, debouncedUpdateParams, isStale } = useParams(booksInitialParams);
  const { data = [], error, isLoading } = useAPI(booksURL, { params });

  if (error) {
    return <Error error={error} />;

  return (
      <div style={{ display: 'flex' }}>
          style={{ flexGrow: 2, flexBasis: 0 }}
          onChange={e =>
              q: `intitle:${}`
          style={{ flexGrow: 1, flexBasis: 0 }}
          onChange={e =>
              filter: ? : undefined
      {isLoading ? (
        <Loading />
      ) : (
        <GoogleBooksList style={{ opacity: isStale ? 0.3 : 1.0 }} data={data} />

export default FilterExample;